Apostle Dundas Global Equity Fund - Class D Distribution Update - 16 July 2024


Apostle Dundas Global Equity Fund Announces Distribution Update
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Apostle Dundas Global Equity Fund (ADEF) has announced the final distribution per unit for Class D for the period ending 30 June 2024, along with the reinvestment price.

Instant Summary:

  • Final cash distribution per unit: $0.0251
  • Non-cash distribution (franking credits & tax offsets): $0.0052
  • Reinvestment price for distribution payable on 19 July 2024: $5.53
  • Reinvestment price equals NAV per unit as of 10 July 2024

Distribution Details

Apostle Dundas Global Equity Fund has declared the final distribution for its Class D units for the period ending 30 June 2024. The cash distribution per unit is set at $0.0251, while the non-cash distribution, which includes franking credits and tax offsets, is $0.0052.

In addition to the cash and non-cash distributions, the reinvestment price for the distribution payable on 19 July 2024 has been set at $5.53. This price is equal to the Net Asset Value (NAV) per unit as of 10 July 2024.

Reinvestment Price

The reinvestment price is a critical piece of information for investors who choose to reinvest their distributions. By setting the reinvestment price at $5.53, which matches the NAV per unit on 10 July 2024, the fund ensures that investors are reinvesting at a fair market value.

Context and Implications

Distributions are a key aspect of investment returns for unit holders. The combination of cash and non-cash distributions allows investors to benefit from both immediate income and tax advantages. The reinvestment option provides an opportunity for compounding returns over time.

Impact Analysis

The announcement of the final distribution and the reinvestment price is likely to have a positive impact on investor sentiment. The fair setting of the reinvestment price at the NAV per unit ensures transparency and fairness, which can enhance investor confidence in the fund's management.

Investor Reaction:

Initial reactions from investors and analysts have been positive. The clear communication of the distribution details and the fair reinvestment price are seen as signs of good governance and management. Some investors have expressed their intention to reinvest their distributions, taking advantage of the compounding effect.


Investors should take note of the final distribution details and consider the reinvestment option as a way to enhance their returns. The Apostle Dundas Global Equity Fund's transparent and fair approach to distributions is a positive sign for current and potential investors.

Apostle Dundas Global Equity Fund Distribution Update Stock Market News Investment Funds