ALS Limited - FY24 Financial Performance and Strategic Outlook

ALQ (ALQ) Share Update July 2024 Tuesday 30th

ALS Limited Reports Resilient FY24 Performance Amid Global Challenges
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ALS Limited (ASX: ALQ) has announced its financial results for the fiscal year 2024, demonstrating resilience in a challenging global environment.

Instant Summary:

  • Underlying NPAT of $316.5 million, a 1.3% decline from FY23.
  • Statutory NPAT significantly impacted by a $248.8 million non-cash impairment.
  • Revenue growth of 6.8% with organic growth of 2.2%.
  • Total dividend of 39.2 cents per share, equating to $190 million.
  • Strong performance in Minerals and Environmental sectors.
  • Capital expenditure increased by 4%, focusing on growth and acquisitions.

FY24 Financial Performance

The 2024 financial year was marked by significant global challenges, including high interest rates, inflation, disrupted international trade, and geopolitical tensions. Despite these hurdles, ALS Limited managed to deliver a robust performance. The company reported an underlying net profit after tax (NPAT) of $316.5 million, a slight decline of 1.3% compared to the previous year's record profit.

However, the statutory NPAT was notably lower at $12.9 million, primarily due to a $248.8 million non-cash impairment related to the Nuvisan investment. CEO Malcolm Deane is expected to provide more insights into this during his presentation.

Revenue and Dividends

ALS Limited saw a 6.8% increase in underlying revenue from operations, with organic growth contributing 2.2%. The company's underlying EBIT showed a marginal improvement, reaching $491.8 million, and the operating margin was maintained above the 19% floor target. The company declared a total dividend of 39.2 cents per share, amounting to $190 million, which is at the top end of their dividend policy payout range.

Sector Performance and Strategic Progress

The Minerals and Environmental sectors continued to be the strongest performers for ALS, supported by improved results in the Food and Industrial Materials businesses. The company's performance marks a significant step towards achieving the objectives outlined in their FY27 strategic plan.

Capital Management and Acquisitions

ALS Limited maintained a disciplined approach to capital management, increasing overall capital expenditure by 4% compared to the previous year. The company completed eight acquisitions focused on geographic expansion and new service offerings. The balance sheet remained strong, with a leverage ratio of 2.0x and over $520 million in available liquidity.

Post-year end, ALS acquired two Life Science businesses, York and Wessling, which increased the leverage ratio to 2.3x. The company aims to reduce this to the mid-point of their target gearing range over the medium term.

Remuneration and Talent Retention

The Board reviewed the Group's remuneration settings to ensure competitiveness in attracting and retaining key global talent. Notably, the former CEO forfeited his outstanding rights under the LTI schemes, and the retention award for Mr. Andreas Jonsson remains in place but will roll off in the next 12 months.

Executive KMPs received fixed remuneration increases of 4-5%, with STI opportunities increasing from 60% to 70% of fixed remuneration. The Board also increased CEO Malcolm Deane's fixed remuneration to US$1,000,000, recognizing his strong performance in his first year.

Outlook and Strategic Targets

ALS Limited reiterated its existing strategic targets for FY27, aiming for revenue growth to $3.3 billion, underlying EBIT growth to $600 million, and maintaining a Group margin floor of 19%. The company is well-positioned to capitalize on industry megatrends such as increasing regulation, client outsourcing, electrification, renewable energy transition, and digitalization.

The company has revised its approach to providing guidance, focusing on annual and multi-year targets and metrics. For FY25, ALS guides shareholders to expect a modest improvement in underlying NPAT and dividends, subject to normal trading conditions.

Impact Analysis

The announcement reflects ALS Limited's resilience in a challenging global environment. The slight decline in NPAT and the significant non-cash impairment may cause some concern among investors. However, the strong revenue growth, disciplined capital management, and strategic acquisitions are positive indicators for the company's future performance.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to have mixed reactions to the announcement. While the non-cash impairment is a concern, the overall strong performance and strategic progress may reassure investors. The company's focus on capital management and growth opportunities could positively influence long-term investor sentiment.


Investors should closely monitor ALS Limited's strategic initiatives and their impact on future performance. The company's ability to navigate global challenges and maintain strong revenue growth is a testament to its resilience. Staying informed about ALS's progress and market trends will be crucial for making informed investment decisions.

ALS Limited FY24 Financial Performance Stock Market News Global Economy Strategic Outlook