Allegra Innovations Extends Offer Period for Allegra Medical Technologies

ALLEGRA MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED (AMT) Share Update July 2024 Wednesday 10th

Allegra Innovations Extends Takeover Bid for Allegra Medical Technologies
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Allegra Innovations Pty Ltd has announced an extension to its takeover bid for Allegra Medical Technologies Limited, giving shareholders more time to consider the offer.

Instant Summary:

  • Allegra Innovations extends offer period to August 5, 2024.
  • Offer price remains at A$0.004 per fully paid ordinary share.
  • Shareholders urged to accept the offer promptly.
  • Notice of variation lodged with ASIC and ASX.

Extension of Offer Period

Allegra Innovations Pty Ltd (AI) has officially extended the offer period for its takeover bid of Allegra Medical Technologies Limited (AMT) to 7:00 PM (Sydney time) on Monday, August 5, 2024. This extension provides additional time for AMT shareholders to consider the offer and make their decisions.

Offer Details

The offer price remains unchanged at A$0.004 for each fully paid ordinary share in AMT. This offer is subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions outlined in AI's Bidder's Statement dated June 19, 2024. For shareholders who have already accepted the offer, no further action is required. Those who have not yet accepted are strongly urged to do so without delay.

Notice of Variation

A formal notice of variation, as required by the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), has been lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). This notice confirms the extension of the offer period and provides updated information on the status of the offer's conditions.

As of the date of the notice, the condition regarding 'No Prescribed Occurrences between Announcement Date and service of Bidder's Statement' has been fulfilled, making the offers free of that condition. However, other defeating conditions outlined in the Bidder's Statement remain in effect.

Impact Analysis

The extension of the offer period by Allegra Innovations provides AMT shareholders with additional time to evaluate the offer, potentially increasing the likelihood of acceptance. The unchanged offer price of A$0.004 per share may influence investor sentiment, especially if the market perceives this as a fair valuation. The fulfillment of certain conditions also adds a layer of certainty to the offer, which could positively impact AMT's stock price in the short term.

Investor Reaction:

Investor reactions have been mixed. Some shareholders appreciate the extended timeframe, allowing them more time to consider their options. Analysts have noted that the unchanged offer price might not be enticing enough for all shareholders, but the fulfillment of certain conditions adds credibility to the offer.


Investors should closely monitor the developments leading up to the new offer deadline on August 5, 2024. The strategic decisions made by Allegra Innovations and the responses from AMT shareholders will be crucial in determining the outcome of this takeover bid. Shareholders are encouraged to review the offer details and consider accepting promptly if they find the terms favorable.

Allegra Innovations Allegra Medical Technologies Takeover Bid Stock Market News ASX