Allegra Innovations' Off-Market Bid for Allegra Medical Technologies Now Unconditional

AMT (AMT) Share Update August 2024 Thursday 8th

Allegra Innovations Declares Off-Market Bid for Allegra Medical Technologies Free from Conditions
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Allegra Innovations Pty Ltd has announced that its off-market bid to acquire all ordinary shares in Allegra Medical Technologies Limited is now free from all conditions, making the offer unconditional.

Instant Summary:

  • Allegra Innovations' off-market bid for Allegra Medical Technologies is now unconditional.
  • The bid was initially announced on 19 June 2024.
  • Allegra Innovations currently holds 80.60% voting power in Allegra Medical Technologies.

Bid Details

Allegra Innovations Pty Ltd (AI) has formally declared that its off-market bid to acquire all ordinary shares in Allegra Medical Technologies Limited (AMT) is now free from all conditions. This declaration was made in accordance with section 650F of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and paragraph 7.8(a) of AI's bidder’s statement dated 19 June 2024.

The bid was initially announced on 19 June 2024, with subsequent variations and supplementary statements issued on 10 July 2024, 24 July 2024, 21 June 2024, and 1 July 2024. As of the date of the notice, Allegra Innovations holds 80.60% voting power in Allegra Medical Technologies.

Implications of the Unconditional Bid

This announcement means that all offers contained in the Bidder's Statement and all contracts formed by the acceptance of these offers are now free from any conditions that were previously outlined in Appendix 2 of the Bidder's Statement. This move is significant as it simplifies the acquisition process and provides greater certainty for shareholders of Allegra Medical Technologies.

With Allegra Innovations already holding a significant majority of the voting power, the unconditional status of the bid could accelerate the acquisition process, potentially leading to a smoother and quicker integration of Allegra Medical Technologies into Allegra Innovations' operations.

Next Steps

Shareholders of Allegra Medical Technologies are now in a position to accept the offer without concerns about unmet conditions. The acquisition is expected to bring strategic benefits to both companies, enhancing their market positions and operational efficiencies.

Impact Analysis

The declaration of an unconditional bid is likely to have a positive impact on Allegra Medical Technologies' stock price. The removal of conditions reduces uncertainty and may lead to increased investor confidence. Additionally, Allegra Innovations' significant voting power suggests strong support for the acquisition, which could further bolster market sentiment.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view this development positively, as it reduces the risks associated with conditional offers. The high voting power held by Allegra Innovations indicates strong backing for the acquisition, which may reassure investors about the stability and future prospects of Allegra Medical Technologies.


Investors should consider the potential benefits of the acquisition and the reduced uncertainty now that the bid is unconditional. Monitoring further developments and strategic moves by Allegra Innovations will be crucial in assessing the long-term impact on their portfolios.

Allegra Innovations Allegra Medical Technologies Stock Market News Acquisition