Allegra Innovations Completes Takeover of Allegra Medical Technologies


Allegra Innovations Announces Successful Takeover Bid for Allegra Medical Technologies
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Allegra Innovations Pty Ltd (AI) has successfully completed its off-market takeover bid for Allegra Medical Technologies Limited (AMT), acquiring 80.60% of the ordinary shares.

Instant Summary:

  • Allegra Innovations acquires 80.60% of Allegra Medical Technologies.
  • All conditions of the takeover bid have been fulfilled.
  • Takeover bid initially announced on 20 June 2024.

Takeover Completion

Allegra Innovations Pty Ltd (AI) has announced the successful completion of its off-market takeover bid for Allegra Medical Technologies Limited (AMT). The bid, which was initially announced on 20 June 2024, aimed to acquire all the ordinary shares of AMT. As of 9 August 2024, AI has acquired 80.60% of the shares.

The takeover bid was detailed in AI's bidder's statement dated 19 June 2024, with subsequent variations and supplementary statements issued on 10 July 2024, 24 July 2024, and 8 August 2024. The final supplementary bidder's statement was issued on 8 August 2024.

Conditions Fulfilled

AI has confirmed that all conditions specified in Appendix 2 of the bidder's statement have been fulfilled. This includes the condition that no prescribed occurrences should take place between the announcement date and the service of the bidder's statement. This condition was declared fulfilled on 10 July 2024.

On 8 August 2024, AI declared that the offers contained in the bidder's statement were free from all remaining conditions. This paved the way for the successful acquisition of the majority stake in AMT.

Strategic Implications

The acquisition of AMT by AI marks a significant strategic move for Allegra Innovations. By securing a majority stake, AI is positioned to leverage AMT's medical technology assets and integrate them into its broader innovation portfolio. This move is expected to enhance AI's market position and drive future growth.

Impact Analysis

The successful takeover of AMT by AI is likely to have a positive impact on AI's stock. Investors may view this acquisition as a strategic move that will enhance AI's market position and drive future growth. The fulfillment of all conditions and the acquisition of a majority stake in AMT demonstrate AI's commitment to expanding its portfolio and leveraging new opportunities in the medical technology sector.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to react positively to the news of the successful takeover. The acquisition of a majority stake in AMT is seen as a strategic move that will enhance AI's market position and drive future growth. Investors may also view the fulfillment of all conditions and the acquisition of a majority stake as a sign of AI's strong execution capabilities.


Investors should monitor the integration of AMT into AI's broader portfolio and assess the potential long-term impacts on their investments. The successful takeover of AMT by AI is a positive development that is expected to drive future growth and enhance AI's market position.

Allegra Innovations Allegra Medical Technologies Takeover Bid Stock Market News Medical Technology