Agrimin Limited Trading Halt - Key Announcements Pending

AGRIMIN LIMITED (AMN) Share Update July 2024 Tuesday 9th

Agrimin Limited Requests Trading Halt Pending Key Announcements
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Agrimin Limited (ASX: AMN) has requested a voluntary trading halt on its securities pending the release of important announcements. The halt is expected to last until 11 July 2024 or until the announcements are made public.

Instant Summary:

  • Agrimin Limited requests trading halt on 9 July 2024.
  • Pending announcements related to share price and volume movements.
  • Flotation test work results for the Mackay Potash Project to be announced.
  • Trading halt to remain until 11 July 2024 or until announcements are released.

Trading Halt Details

On 9 July 2024, Agrimin Limited (ASX: AMN) requested a voluntary trading halt on its securities. This request was made in accordance with ASX Listing Rule 17.1, which allows companies to request trading halts pending the release of significant information.

The trading halt is primarily due to two pending announcements. Firstly, the company is preparing a response to an ASX query regarding recent share price and volume movements. Secondly, Agrimin is set to release flotation test work results for its Mackay Potash Project.

Expected Duration

The trading halt will remain in place until the earliest of either the release of the announcements or the commencement of normal trading on Thursday, 11 July 2024. Agrimin has assured that the trading halt will end as soon as the relevant announcements are made.

Company Statement

In a letter addressed to Mr. Vinay Agrawal, Listings Compliance Adviser at ASX Compliance Pty Limited, Agrimin's General Counsel & Company Secretary, Peter Prendiville, confirmed that the company is not aware of any reason why the trading halt should not be granted. The company also stated that there is no additional information necessary to inform the market regarding the trading halt.

Impact Analysis

The trading halt indicates that Agrimin Limited is preparing to release significant information that could impact its stock price. The response to the ASX query about share price and volume movements suggests that there may have been unusual trading activity. Additionally, the flotation test work results for the Mackay Potash Project could have substantial implications for the company's future prospects.

Investors should closely monitor these announcements as they could lead to significant price movements. The outcome of the flotation test work, in particular, could influence the company's valuation and investor sentiment.

Investor Reaction:

While there are no direct quotes from investors or analysts at this time, the trading halt has likely caused a mix of anticipation and concern among stakeholders. Investors will be keenly awaiting the announcements to understand the reasons behind the recent share price and volume movements, as well as the potential of the Mackay Potash Project.


Investors should stay tuned for Agrimin Limited's upcoming announcements, as they could have a significant impact on the company's stock. The trading halt is a precautionary measure to ensure that all stakeholders have access to important information at the same time. As always, investors should consider the long-term implications of these developments on their portfolios.

Agrimin Limited Trading Halt Stock Market News Potash Project ASX