AD1 Holdings - Q4 FY24 Business Update and Financial Report

AD1 (AD1) Share Update July 2024 Monday 29th

AD1 Holdings Reports Strong Growth and Positive Cash Flow in Q4 FY24
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AD1 Holdings Limited (ASX: AD1), a SaaS technology company, has released its business update and Appendix 4C for the quarter ended 30 June 2024, highlighting significant growth and positive cash flow from continuing operations.

Instant Summary:

  • AoM North America re-signed 100% of existing customers and achieved 100%+ ARR growth year-on-year.
  • ApplyDirect completed migration to Gen3 platform for NSW government; VIC government migration on track.
  • Net operating cash flow positive with an $84k surplus for the quarter.
  • Cash receipts from continuing operations improved by 20% compared to the prior corresponding period.
  • Cash payments from continuing operations reduced by 35% compared to the prior corresponding period.
  • Cash balance as of 30 June 2024 was approximately $0.2 million.
  • Rebranding for AD1 Holdings and Art of Mentoring underway.

Business Update

AD1 Holdings Limited (ASX: AD1) has reported a successful quarter, showcasing significant growth and operational improvements. The Art of Mentoring (AoM) division in North America achieved remarkable success, re-signing 100% of existing customers and seeing an annual recurring revenue (ARR) growth of over 100% year-on-year. More than 80% of these customers are now on multi-year contracts.

ApplyDirect has also made notable progress, completing the migration to the Gen3 platform for the NSW government. The migration for the Victorian government is well advanced and on track for completion in Q1 FY25. This division saw a 30% increase in revenue from managed services compared to the prior corresponding period, with a year-to-date growth of 40%.

Financial Performance

AD1 Holdings reported a net operating cash flow surplus of $84k for the quarter, marking a positive shift in its financial performance. Cash receipts from continuing operations improved by 20% compared to the prior corresponding period, while cash payments from continuing operations were reduced by 35%. The company's cash balance as of 30 June 2024 stood at approximately $0.2 million.

Strategic Initiatives

Throughout FY24, AD1 Holdings focused on cost reduction and operational efficiency, leading to a significant turnaround in its EBITDA line. The company has also embarked on a rebranding initiative, with AD1 Holdings set to unveil new branding in Q1 FY25, followed by Art of Mentoring in the second quarter of FY25.

North American Expansion

The North American division of AoM secured five new significant client wins during Q4 FY24, including the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA), Sound Transit, Independent Bankers Association of Texas (IBAT), American College of Physician Advisors (ACPA), and California Society of Association Executives (CalSAE). These wins are expected to drive further growth and expansion in the region.


Looking ahead, AD1 Holdings aims to continue its growth trajectory by investing in people and software development, supported by new revenue and cash flow from client wins. The company is also exploring new opportunities within the job board market with the assistance of newly appointed NED Angus Washington.

The financial results for FY24 indicate a significant turnaround, with over $5 million improvement in the EBITDA line year-on-year. AD1 Holdings is set to release the outcomes of its strategic review in the coming months.

Impact Analysis

The positive financial performance and strategic initiatives are likely to boost investor confidence in AD1 Holdings. The re-signing of customers and ARR growth in North America, coupled with successful platform migrations, indicate strong operational capabilities. The company's focus on cost reduction and efficiency has resulted in a positive cash flow, which is a significant achievement.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are expected to react positively to AD1 Holdings' strong financial performance and strategic initiatives. The company's ability to secure significant client wins and achieve ARR growth in North America is particularly noteworthy. However, the relatively low cash balance may be a point of concern for some investors.


Investors should keep an eye on AD1 Holdings' upcoming rebranding initiatives and the outcomes of its strategic review. The company's strong growth and positive cash flow indicate a promising future, making it a stock worth watching. Subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates on AD1 Holdings and other stock market news.

AD1 Holdings Q4 FY24 Stock Market News SaaS Technology Financial Report