ACCC Approves Louis Dreyfus' Acquisition of Namoi Cotton with Conditions

NAMOI COTTON LIMITED (NAM) Share Update July 2024 Wednesday 31st

ACCC Clears Louis Dreyfus' Acquisition of Namoi Cotton with Conditions
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The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has given the green light to Louis Dreyfus Company B.V.'s (LDC Group) proposed acquisition of Namoi Cotton Limited (ASX: NAM), contingent on specific divestitures and the termination of a joint venture.

Instant Summary:

  • ACCC approves the acquisition with conditions.
  • LDC Group to divest shares in ProClass Pty Ltd.
  • Termination of joint venture with WANT Cotton Pty Ltd.
  • Concerns over competition in cotton ginning and classing services addressed.
  • LDC Group and Namoi Cotton both supply cotton ginning, classing, logistics, and warehousing services.

Background and Details

The ACCC has announced its decision not to oppose the proposed acquisition of Namoi Cotton Limited by the Louis Dreyfus Company B.V. (LDC Group), provided that the LDC Group fulfills certain conditions. These conditions include divesting its shares in ProClass Pty Ltd and terminating its joint venture with WANT Cotton Pty Ltd.

Both LDC Group and Namoi Cotton are significant players in the Australian cotton industry, supplying services such as cotton ginning, cotton lint classing, logistics, and warehousing. The LDC Group owns 20% of ProClass, while Namoi owns 100% of Australian Classing Services (ACS). The LDC Group also has a joint venture with WANT Cotton for operating a cotton gin near Katherine, Northern Territory.

ACCC's Concerns

The ACCC was initially concerned that the acquisition could substantially lessen competition in the supply of cotton ginning services in northern Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Without terminating the joint venture with WANT Cotton, the LDC Group would have operated the only two cotton gins in these regions, potentially reducing competition and increasing prices.

The ACCC also worried about the potential reduction in competition for cotton lint classing services in Australia. The divestment of ProClass shares ensures that the LDC Group does not have interests in both ProClass and ACS, which together class over 80% of all cotton lint in Australia. This divestiture is expected to maintain competitive pricing and service quality in the cotton classing market.

Market Impact

The ACCC concluded that the proposed undertaking addresses the overlap in cotton ginning services, ensuring that the LDC Group would not have sufficient market power to restrict or negatively impact rival merchants' access to cotton lint. The ACCC also found that the LDC Group would not be able to limit access to or increase prices for warehousing services for cotton export out of the Port of Brisbane.

Rival merchants would still have access to warehousing services from other competitors, and barriers to entry for establishing new warehousing facilities are relatively low, further mitigating any potential anti-competitive effects.

Impact Analysis

This approval, albeit with conditions, is likely to have a neutral to slightly positive impact on the stock prices of both Louis Dreyfus and Namoi Cotton. The conditions imposed by the ACCC ensure that competition remains robust in the cotton ginning and classing markets, which should alleviate investor concerns about potential monopolistic practices. The divestiture and termination of joint ventures are strategic moves to maintain market balance, potentially leading to stable or slightly improved investor sentiment.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view the ACCC's decision as a balanced approach to maintaining market competition while allowing the acquisition to proceed. The conditions imposed are seen as necessary steps to prevent anti-competitive behavior, which should reassure investors about the long-term health of the cotton industry in Australia.


Investors should keep an eye on how the LDC Group and Namoi Cotton implement the ACCC's conditions and monitor any further developments in the cotton industry. The strategic divestitures and joint venture terminations are critical for maintaining competitive market dynamics.

Louis Dreyfus Namoi Cotton ACCC Stock Market News Cotton Industry